Posts Tagged controlled folly

Thank you Pyxis and Agile Tour Bordeaux

I have just returned from a sponsored run of two Ship Of Fools organisational sculpting sessions. Thank you Agile Tour Bordeaux and Pyxis Paris. If it hadn’t been for you this would not have been possible.

On the Paris run I transferred the basic choreography to Emmanuel Gaillot and Raphaël Pierquin so they could make [...]

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The five principles of controlled folly

Arrr, so ye be wantin’ t’ go to sea. Then ye best be learnin’ t’
1. Mask yer captainliness: Ignore an event or a key, then freeze bein’ absolutely surprised when its effects upset yer life, then blame th’ energy.
2. Do nay confore: Expect energy, wait fer ‘t, surrender yersef t’ ‘t, then keel haul others, [...]


There is no such thing as a free lunch. Or is there?

The gains of controlled folly are tremendous. A sculpt can generate large amounts of useful data for laying a sound basis for a long term program of work on key organisational issues. The only restrictions are our imagination, skills, and abilities.
… and there is no such thing as a free lunch!
I knew it! There’s [...]

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Aiming at the reef, or not?

Who Cares?

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Gathering the crew for an alpha run

At European Consultants Camp we did an alpha run of the Ship of Fools sculpt. This to gather some very recent images for kick-starting integrated pull-marketing of the controlled folly service, gaining critical feedback from excellent colleagues familiar with and skilled in facilitating Satir concepts, and gathering a crew for causing another “congruence meme” wave.
Run [...]



Original idea Ship of Fools

Inspiration is not born in a vacuum; excellent ideas are seeded by other excellent ideas and fertilized by still more excellent ideas.
Controlled folly was originally re-designed from the balancing act, to support consultants coaching executive teams and managers. The demand was taken from the AIM UAW alliance executive coaching webpage, and from exchanges with Peter [...]

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Foolishly surfing chaos

We appreciate Peter Schoonens and Marc Hersch for their dancing with Nynke’s chaos. She can be eXtremely chaotic when looking to see what’s mired in the muck. Check, double check, this and that, design here, create there … Their feedback has been instrumental in re-incarnating the balancing act in the form of controlled folly for [...]

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The core

I wish …. We all take ourselves a little less serious, and laugh a little bit more.

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